2nd CES Vidya Utsav


Child Education Society, the apex body governing Bal Bharati Public Schools, celebrated the second edition of CES Vidya Utsav on February 2, 2024 at Kamani Auditorium, Delhi with great aplomb. The epochal occasion was presided over by the President, CES Mr. Nikhil Channa and was attended by Members of the Board of Management, Principals of Bal Bharati Schools Pan India and thought leaders and luminaries from the education community. Mr Nikhil Channa in his welcome address, emphasized the importance of preserving and imbibing our traditional knowledge systems, and accentuated their relevance in the contemporary world.

The highlight of the program was the Keynote address delivered by Devdutt Pattanaik, renowned mythologist, illustrator, author, and speaker. The enlightening and captivating session was themed on “Celebrating and Imbibing Indian Knowledge Systems” and encompassed strategies to integrate Brahma Vidya with conventional subjects.

The enthralling cultural performances by students of Bal Bharati Schools - “Maha Ganapathy and “Choona hai ab hame aasman” had the audience spellbound.

The exhibition “Unveiling our Heritage- Traditional Knowledge Systems” curated by Bal Bharati students served as a gateway to the treasures of age old systems and invited visitors to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment.

The documentary film provided everyone with candid glimpses into sagacious journey of CES and showcased the transformative impact of our holistic educational endeavours.

Bal Bharatians continue to bring glory and accolades to their illustrious Alma Mater. Some of the meritorious alumni were also felicitated.

Mr. L.V Sehgal, Jt. Secretary, CES proposed the Vote of Thanks. He thanked all members and stakeholders for making Vidya Utsav a resounding success.