

A sumptuous and well stocked library is the hall mark of quality education. A library is not only a reservoir of knowledge but also represents the summits of intellectual excellence that human minds can attain through diligences, dedication and perseverance.

Bal Bharati Public School, Dwarka boasts of individual libraries for the junior and senior classes. The total number of books for both the libraries comes down to 26,000 with the figure increasing with each passing day. The libraries have various sections ranging from textbooks and reference books to fiction, self-help, physical education and general knowledge. Since the school aims at making learning a fun process, there is an assortment of books and playful reading activities conducted at regular intervals for our young scholars.

We have Book Club which caters to the burgeoning curiosity and enthusiasm of avid readers by promoting a love of literature in a positive and nurturing environment.

Reference Books and Magazines keep the students abreast with all that’s happening around. Students are also encouraged to give their suggestion about the kind of books they would like to see in the library,

Apart from books, library also hosts 26 periodicals. Having the intellectual acumen of our learners our library is well equipped with 19 latest laptops, 50 tabs and 27 kindles with Internet access.


  • Parents and alumni are invited to Utilize School Library Resources on working Saturdays, which will strengthen the school home connection and will nurture a shared learning experience between the parent and child.
  • This association will also help to keep graduates connected to their school, allowing them to stay informed about the institution's developments.

School Library has introduced several noble initiatives to augment the reading habits of students:

  • Mobile Library Program: Library Club students visited slum areas and conducted story telling sessions for underprivileged children.
  • Books for All Campaign: Library Club students have set up a “Books For All” counter for students to deposit their old books. The same may be used by other students.
  • Prizes for good reader were given to voracious and exemplary readers

LIBRARY ACTIVITIES (Session 2024-25)

MonthTitle of the ActivityDescription of the Activity
23 April,2024World Book DaySenior Library hosted a vibrant World Book Day celebration, bringing together students, teachers, and book enthusiasts to revel in the magic of literature. Various activities  organised were:

  • Reading Sessions:
  • Literary Quizzes and Contests:
  • "Imagination Unleashed: A Storytelling Adventure:
  • Book Donation Drive
6 April, 2024Visit to Special Needs School (Holy Heart Special School)BBPS Dwarka, literary club, comprising enthusiastic members, organized  visit as part of our commitment to community engagement and inclusivity.

Activities Conducted:

  • Interactive Storytelling
  • Poetry Recitation
  • Group Discussion
  • Collaborative Writing Activity
  • Impact and Reflections


MonthTitle of the ActivityLearning ObjectivesDescription of the Activity
OCTOBERStory Pyramid Making- Encourage collaborative learningStory pyramids summarized main points of stories in pyramid form. Students collaborated to analyze and construct these pyramids.
- Foster shared understanding and interpretation
NOVEMBERComic Strip Making- Enhance linguistic skillsStudents engaged in group activity where they write, draw, and color comic strips, promoting literacy and creativity.
- Understand importance of reading
DECEMBERReading Timeline making- Learn sequencing and chronological understandingStudents created informative flashcards detailing events from stories they've read, enhancing comprehension and awareness.
- Improve comprehension by recalling and organizing events
- Share knowledge with peers
JANUARYBook Tasting- Introduce variety of literary genresStudents explored different genres by visiting tables with brief overviews, expanding their reading preferences.
- Expand reading preferences
FEBRUARYTravelogue Making- Develop descriptive writing skillsStudents vividly described locations, landscapes, culture, and experiences from their journeys, enhancing descriptive writing.


LIBRARY ACTIVITIES (Session 2023-24) Classes: IX to XII

MonthTitle of the ActivityLearning ObjectiveDescription of the Activity
OCTOBERTED Talk- Raise awareness about an important issueA TED Talk session was held to provide valuable insights, information, and knowledge on a significant topic.
NOVEMBERMindfulness Exercises- Reduce stressStudents participated in various mindfulness exercises aimed at reducing stress, enhancing awareness, and improving concentration.
- Enhance awareness
- Improve concentration
DECEMBERJournal Talk- Learn sequencing and chronological understandingStudents selected a particular topic, collected information from 3-4 periodicals, and presented their findings to the class, improving their chronological skills.
- Collect information from periodicals

Primary Department


MonthActivityObjectivesDescription of the Activity
September – October, 2023Know the Character- Use imagination to understand the book betterStudents read a suggested book and portrayed a character inspired by their reading. They role-played as that character, speaking a few lines as being a part of that story.
November – December, 2023Idiomatically Rich- Strengthen communication and collaborative skills through group workStudents were engaged in a guessing game where they acted out idioms while their classmates guessed the idioms being portrayed.
January – February, 2024Book Exchange- Foster a culture of reading amongst childrenYoung readers shared their favourite books and swapped them with each other, promoting a culture of reading and encouraging reuse and sharing of books.


MonthActivityObjectivesDescription of the Activity
September – October, 2023Whizzing through Roald Dahl’s World- Foster appreciation for Dahl’s contributions to literatureStudents embarked on a remarkable journey through Roald Dahl's life and works via engaging discussions led by the teacher. They delved into his childhood, his experiences as a World War II fighter pilot, and his career as an author.
- Spark curiosity and further exploration of his books
November – December, 2023Quizathon- Spark discussion about favourite books and authorsAn interesting quiz was conducted on the books read by the students during the class, sparking discussions about their favourite books and characters, which also helped them to discover new reading material.
January – February, 2024Book Exchange- Foster a culture of reading amongst childrenYoung readers shared their favourite books and swapped them with each other, fostering a culture of reading and encouraging the reuse and sharing of books.
- Reusing and sharing of books


MonthActivityObjectivesDescription of the Activity
September-  October, 2023Silver Screen Vs Book (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)- Learn how different mediums convey narratives, themes, and emotionsStudents explored the world of literature and cinema through the topic "Silver Screen Vs Book," focusing on Roald Dahl's work. They were engaged in discussions to determine whether the book or the movie adaptation is superior.
- Understand how adaptations influence audience perceptions
November & DecemberBook Hospital- Sensitize children about the importance of caring for booksYoung learners were taught basic repair techniques such as mending torn pages, refurbishing bindings, and fixing covers, emphasizing the importance of maintaining books.
January -February, 2024Book Exchange- Foster a culture of reading amongst children

-Reusing and sharing of books

Young readers shared their favourite books and swapped them with each other, promoting a culture of reading and encouraging the reuse and sharing of books.



The online virtual library with resources and services is also available 24x7 on smart phone through the given links: -
