Best Practices

Code of conduct – Parents & Students, Teachers


Code of Conduct for Students

Code of Conduct for Educators

Code of Conduct serves as a guiding compass for teachers seek to steer an ethical and respectful course through their career in teaching and to uphold the honour and dignity of the teaching profession.

  • Teachers uphold human dignity and promote equality and emotional and cognitive development. In their professional practice, teachers demonstrate respect for spiritual and cultural values, diversity, social justice, freedom, democracy and the environment.
  • Teachers’ practice is motivated by the best interests of the pupils/students entrusted to their care. Teachers show this through positive influence, professional judgement and empathy in practice.
  • Integrity Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in integrity. Teachers exercise integrity through their professional commitments, responsibilities and actions.
  • Teachers should be caring, fair and committed to the best interests of the pupils/students entrusted to their care, and seek to motivate, inspire and celebrate effort and success.
  • Acknowledge and respect the uniqueness, individuality and specific needs of pupils/ students and promote their holistic development.
  • Seek to develop positive relationships with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, school management and others in the school community, that are characterized by professional integrity and judgement
  • Work to establish and maintain a culture of mutual trust and respect in their schools.
  • Act with honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work.
  • Respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of information gained in the course of professional practice.
  • Avoid conflict between their professional work and private interests which could reasonably be deemed to impact negatively on pupils/students.
  • Take all reasonable steps in relation to the care of pupils/students under their supervision, so as to ensure their safety and welfare.
  • Work within the framework of relevant legislation and regulations.
  • Comply with agreed national and school policies, procedures and guidelines which aim to promote pupil/student education and welfare and child protection.
  • Report, where appropriate, incidents or matters which impact on pupil/student welfare.
  • Communicate effectively with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, school management and others in the school community in a manner that is professional, collaborative and supportive, and based on trust and respect.
  • Ensure that any communication with pupils/ students, colleagues, parents, and others is appropriate, including communication via electronic media, such as e-mail, texting and social networking sites. Also take the consent of authorities before initiating communication with the parents.
  • Maintain high standards of practice in relation to pupil/student learning, planning, monitoring, assessing, reporting and providing feedback.
  • Apply professional knowledge and experience in facilitating pupils’/students’ holistic development.
  • Plan and communicate clear, challenging and achievable expectations for pupils/students.
  • Create an environment where pupils/ students can become active agents in the learning process and develop lifelong learning skills.
  • Develop teaching, learning and assessment strategies that support differentiated learning in a way that respects the dignity of all pupils/ students.
  • Take personal responsibility for sustaining and improving the quality of their professional practice by actively maintaining their professional knowledge and understanding to ensure it is current, reflecting on and critically evaluating their professional practice, in light of their professional knowledge base and availing of opportunities for career-long professional development
  • Professional Collegiality and Collaboration: work with teaching colleagues and student teachers in the interests of sharing, developing and supporting good practice and maintaining the highest quality of educational experiences for pupils/students and work in a collaborative manner with pupils/students, parents/guardians, school management, other members of staff, relevant professionals and the wider school community, as appropriate, in seeking to effectively meet the needs of pupils/students.
  • The teacher is responsible for diagnosing educational needs, prescribing and implementing instructional programs and evaluating progress of pupils
  • The teacher treats pupils with dignity and respect and is considerate of their circumstances.
  • The teacher may not accept pay for tutoring a pupil in any subjects in which the teacher is responsible for giving classroom instruction to that pupil.
  • The teacher may not take advantage of a professional position to profit from the sale of goods or services to or for pupils in the teacher's charge.
  • Corporal punishment and student abuse is strictly banned and a punishable offence.
  • Counselling may be used to guide students who deviate from the norms of desired behavior.
  • Use language that motivates and encourages students.


Class Teacher

  • Ensure that students wear proper and complete school uniform and report to school on time.
  • Regular checking of bags for any objectionable material.
  • Instill positive values in children and encourage them to keep the furniture in an orderly manner. Breakage if any should be brought to the notice of VP/HM.
  • Motivate children to keep their classroom neat and tidy.
  • Maintain the attendance and leave records of students. Care must be taken to fill student details in the attendance register accurately.
  • Student diary should be effectively used as a means of communication between parents and the school. Language should be respectful and courteous.
  • Confidential files of students should be maintained carefully. All entries with regard to student achievement must be entered regularly in the file.
  • Circulars should be sent to the parent at appropriate time.

Bus In charge

  • Maintain a record of data pertaining to residential address, contact numbers, of all the students commuting by bus.
  • Morning and afternoon attendance should be taken in a prompt manner.
  • In case the driver is driving rashly, immediately inform authorities.
  • It’s mandatory for the conductor to be in the bus.
  • No student should travel standing in the bus.
  • In the afternoon, students should be handed over to the authorized person only.
  • A well-equipped first-aid box should be in the bus.
  • Any breakage, such as that of window or grill should be reported to authorities.
  • No unauthorized person should be allowed to travel in the bus.
  • Students should be trained to not put any body part outside the window.
  • In case the bus is delayed, information should be given to the school office.


Code of Conduct for Parents

As valued members of our school community, parents play a pivotal role in shaping the educational journey of our students. We believe that fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and collaboration is paramount for the holistic development of our children. Therefore, we humbly request all parents to adhere to the following code of conduct:


  • Respect and Courtesy: Treat all members of the school community with kindness, respect, and courtesy, fostering an environment of mutual appreciation and understanding.
  • Open Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication with teachers and school administrators, engaging in constructive dialogue to address concerns and promote the well-being of our children.
  • Punctuality and Participation: Ensure punctuality in dropping off and picking up your child from school, and actively participate in school events, parent-teacher meetings, and volunteering opportunities that enrich the school community.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: Create a supportive and conducive environment at home that encourages your child's academic growth, fosters a love for learning, and reinforces the values taught at school. Provide help in completing assignments, and participating in extracurricular activities.
  • Bag Checks: Regularly inspect your child's school bag for any inappropriate materials or items that may be inconsistent with our school's values and guidelines.
  • Language and Behavior: Encourage your child to refrain from using objectionable language or engaging in behavior that may be disrespectful or harmful to others, fostering a culture of kindness and understanding.
  • Cyber Awareness: Monitor and guide your child's online activities, checking their cyber footprint and sensitizing them about responsible internet usage, online safety, and the consequences of cyberbullying.
  • Bullying Prevention: Educate your child about the importance of standing up against bullying, promoting empathy, tolerance, and acceptance of diversity. Encourage them to seek help from trusted adults if they encounter bullying behavior, either online or offline.
  • Role Modeling: Lead by example by demonstrating integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all aspects of life, serving as positive role models for your child to emulate.
  • Participation and Engagement: Participate actively in school activities, parent-teacher meetings, and volunteering opportunities that contribute to the school community's welfare and enrichment.
  • Respect for Policies and Procedures: Familiarize yourself with and adhere to the school's policies, procedures, rules, and regulations concerning attendance, discipline, dress code, and academic expectations.
  • Conflict Resolution: Handle conflicts or disagreements with discretion, mutual respect, and a commitment to finding resolutions that prioritize the well-being of all stakeholders involved.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive information shared by the school, teachers, staff, and other parents concerning students and school matters.
  • Safety and Security: Cooperate with the school in maintaining a safe and secure environment for all students by adhering to safety protocols, following traffic rules around the school premises, and supporting measures to prevent bullying and ensure child safety.

By upholding this code of conduct, we collectively contribute to nurturing a positive, supportive, and inclusive school community that fosters the growth and well-being of our children.