What if my child loses something valuable at school? 

All valuables (including mobile phones) should remain at home during school hours. Please do not allow your child to bring mobile, ipad or any electronic toys, games or cards or any valuables to school .This policy helps to prevent theft, loss of valuables and playground squabbles.

What happens if my child has a medical emergency?

If your child has an emergency on the campus during school hours, your child will be seen and treated immediately by school doctor and nurse. If necessary, your child may be referred to the nearest hospital emergency room with your consent.

What do I do if my child has to take medication while at school?

Prescribed medications only may be taken at school in the presence of school doctor.
Medicine must be administered by School doctor only.
Students requiring medication at school should go to the school clinic with written request of parent and clinical prescription.
Students should carry asthma treatment with them on all school activities
Students are not permitted to keep medications on their person, in their bags or in classrooms. (With the exception of Asthma puffers).

If I change my contact details do I need to inform the school? 

It is essential that you inform the office and the class teacher of any change of contact details relating to your child. This includes mobile numbers, emergency contacts and home addresses. This is particularly important in case of sickness or accident.

Can my child buy lunch at the school?

No, canteen or any other tuck shop is not available in the school. We do not sell any food items in school premises. You are advised to ensure that your child carries his lunch pack every day to school.