hands on learning


INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGIES (Project Based Learning)
Students have been engaged in project-based learning which involves critical thinking , computational thinking , problem solving using latest technologies like AI/ ML , MIT app inventor , Python programming , Open-source web development platforms to find solutions for real world problems.Outcome: The projects completed have been shared on collaborative platforms as such GitHub for further feedback and improvements. Read More

An adventure camp was organized for 118 students of classes 6 to 8 at Bal Bharati Public School, Dwarka, on February 1, 2025. The camp aimed to enhance students' confidence, teamwork, and essential life skills through engaging outdoor activities like wall climbing, archery, zorbing, tug of war, and more. Students actively participated, developing physical endurance, mental resilience, and trust in peers. The camp received positive feedback, with students and parents praising the well-organized activities, supportive coaches, and overall experience.


To raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption and promote a tobacco-free lifestyle, our school organized a series of Anti-Tobacco Activities on 31.1.25. These activities aimed to educate students about the dangers of smoking and tobacco use, encouraging them to adopt a healthier lifestyle and spread awareness in their communities.

The Activities were highly impactful and well-received by students, teachers, and parents. The event successfully raised awareness about the dangers of tobacco consumption and encouraged students to make informed choices about their health. The school remains committed to promoting a tobacco-free environment and will continue organizing such awareness programs in the future.


In a laudable collaboration, students enthusiastically participated in the Adult Literacy Campaign organised by the Rotary Club of Delhi Janak. As an integral component of this noble endeavor, our students have assumed the role of educators, imparting vital reading and writing skills to adults. This campaign provides students with a profound chance to grasp the importance of education and actively contribute towards a better community.




The school in collaboration with the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) organized the 'Swachchta hi Seva' campaign. The campaign's primary goal was to instill values of cleanliness, hygiene, and environmental awareness among students. It began with a Swachchta pledge by students from Class VIII and IX, where they committed to maintaining clean surroundings, reducing single-use plastics, and contributing to a healthier environment. Following the pledge, students equipped with gloves, garbage bags, and brooms embarked on an internal cleanliness drive within the school premises, focusing on corridors and the school playground and subsequently extended it to cleaning the surrounding areas, streets, and public spaces. The presence of Mr. K S Attri, Senior Educational Officer from NMNH, added significant motivation and wisdom to the event, reinforcing our commitment to nurturing a sense of responsibility for cleanliness and environmental awareness. This campaign underlined the students' roles as responsible citizens and custodians of a cleaner, greener future.




The school conducted ‘Litter Less Campaigns’ to make children aware about managing litter. Our green warriors of classes I-V were engaged in segregating wet and dry waste in a unique play way method. They were told about the various methods of recycling and upcycling of waste materials. Students were engaged to create useful items out of trash.  Emphasis was laid upon usage of paper bags and cloth bags and children were encouraged to avoid plastic.



The school introduced ‘A Green Initiative’ for students of Classes I-V as “Green Handprint ka Dose- without break Haroz”. Under the Eco School Program for Classes I to V, green calendars were prepared as a part of action plan by the Eco Committee members.



Exemplifying the motto for good health – “Physical Agility, Mental Ability and Emotional Adoptability”. The school conducted Yoga and meditation sessions to promote healthier, happier, and sustainable lifestyle.


Project based learning: - Making of Travel Diaries

Students were engaged in making travel diaries, Destinations were assigned to each group and related book series were provided. After doing research on a given country, students were able to learn related information.



The School Principal, Mrs. Suruchi Gandhi was awarded the Certificate of Appreciation for leading a Climate Conscious Institution and motivating all the members of the school community to act for the planet in Climate Action Project 2022. The project teacher Incharge, Mrs. Divya Grover and four student leaders from class X were recognized for their efforts towards  Climate Change and were awarded with the Certificates of Appreciation by TAG.

Students from 146 countries participated in it.



  1. Recycled Paper Bag Making Activity (Classes IV & V) – (Dustbin less Classroom Project) - Students of class V prepared paper bags out of old newspapers, bringing the 3 R’s (Reduce. Reuse, Recycle) into practice. They use paper bags to collect dry waste during school hours. They further shared their paper bags with the nearby shopkeepers and vendors and requested them to use paper bags instead of plastic bags.
  2. Activities on Biodiversity:

I am a bird watcher (Classes I to V) – Students are motivated to observe birds with the naked eye or with binoculars to discover the wonderful world of birds in the air, on land, and in water. The program's learning objectives are integrated with the curriculum, and students study birds, their habitats, food habits, kinds etc. A plethora of activities are designed to integrate various concepts of Life skills, Maths, Science and languages.


Just English Please (JEP) as a project has been incorporated under the guidance of Madam Rekha Sharma (Academic Advisor, CES) in the primary classes to promote fluent and articulate use of English as a communicative and functional language. Activities like role plays, telephonic conversations, story club, story starter – hot potato, find your partner, Chinese whisper, word tennis, personal storytelling, question dice, and many more motivate the students and provide fun-based learning. Teachers have researched and shared many language-learning apps with children to help them to improve their linguistic skills.


The integrated project-based learning program for the students of class III helps students gain knowledge and skills by investigating and responding to an original, engaging, complex question, problem, or challenge. Teachers of all disciplines work together as a team to develop one engaging and innovative lesson plan for a topic. Every month one topic is chosen for the same. Various activities conducted help the students grasp and retain the topic with ease.


School follows TIE as the primary teaching method in classes IV and V. Lesson plans are developed keeping in mind the better understanding of concepts and complete engagement through experiential learning. Teachers are using one-act plays to introduce tricky concepts. Scripts on topics like "Parts of Speech," "Time," and "Fractions" have been developed for concept building by the teachers. These innovative lesson plans help in the teaching and learning process and the student's creative development.


School follows a robust Life Skills Programme that aims at students' emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Various life skill-related activities are conducted for the students of classes I to V to build and foster a meaningful student engagement experience. Children enjoy doing activities like dusting their desks and chair and watering the plants. The activities are designed to train students of classes I and II to tie their shoelaces, button their shirts, etc. Students of class IV were taught bus etiquette and the importance of traffic rules through live teaching.


As the lead collaborator for Commonwealth Connections Project, the school facilitated multidimensional cultural exchanges among 12 Indo British cluster of schools.  The school initiated Indo-British classroom connect, cultural, sports, yoga exchanges and leadership training with British athlete Mentor Jenny Wallwork. The school won Grant of 3050 GBP for cluster partnership project which entailed cross-cultural learning of British Musical theatre by Indian Schools and Indian Bollywood dances by students in Birmingham schools. British Council extended full support to this initiative by  facilitating  visit of UK Theatre Artist to New Delhi to provide musical theatre training to Students in all six schools .


The school participated in #Riseup4SDGs, an International Collaborative Project, where 127 educators from 35 countries discussed Global Goals one by one and shared best practices of their advocacy in schools. The project was carried out extensively for 8 Months, during which activities such as poster making, debates, SDG Congress, etc were conducted to spread awareness about the 17 goals.


International Research Project:  Mission ROAD2RECOVERY Project was launched in collaboration with 22 schools pan India  focusing on three priorities:

(1)            Mending the Academic, Social and Emotional Learning Gaps.

(2)            Preparing and Supporting Teachers.

(3)            Parents Participation and Involvement

To work in tandem for a better world, the following activities were conducted:

(1)            Students Voice- Students shared a 30-50 second video answering the question- ‘How can you solve the problem of paper waste?’

(2)            Creative writing- Students researched and then wrote the journey of the paper from a tree to being a page.

(3)            Poster Making- Save paper, save trees, built a better world.


The school, in collaboration with The Satsang Foundation under MY TREE PROJECT, organized a Tree Plantation drive.   The students were given a variety of saplings by the MY TREE Foundation, to plant at various spots in the school ground. Students also took an oath to look after the planted saplings, plant more and more trees. The drive concluded with the plantation of mango trees in the loving memory of the three pillars of Bal Bharati Parivar -Shri L.R Channa, Dr. V.K Ahujaand Shri S.K Bhattacharya


The aim of RiseUp4E-waste International Project has been to develop Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA) of students and educators to promote better understanding and management of E-waste. It comprised of the following activities:

1) Art Integration to promote Reuse, Reduce and Recycle of E-WASTE.

2) Minecraft Video                                                                        3) Student’s voice

4) Creative writing                                                                         5) Best out of E-Waste


Online International Exchange was initiated between Japanese and Indian students of Bal Bharati Public School, Dwarka (India); Seinan High School (Japan) and Shri Gurumuki Vidhyasshram (India). Students participated in online  discussions on  various topics. Indian students shared their Favourite Indian food, and answered queries about  prevalent social issues like Poverty, Racism. Japanese students talked about Climate Change, School schedules, less sleeping hours, etc.


Project Name: WE for SDGs

  • School team participated in Tech For Good challenge organised by Microsoft for Education. The project WE for SDGs showcased various initiatives taken by the school to raise awareness about 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
  • During the project students and staff members used various Microsoft tools such as MS-Teams, Sway, Flipgrid, Padlet, Video Editor, MS-Office, One Note, One drive, Wakelet etc.


An internal committee for designing creatives for branding of BBPS schools was constituted under the guidance of School Principal.

All creatives were designed in-house which included:

  • Creatives on National & International Days
  • BBPS Inter-Unit Calendar
  • Care and connect initiatives on surmounting exam anxiety


Under the able guidance of Language expert Ms Rekha Sharma , English teachers took several language development initiatives  .


The teachers shared audio recording of correct pronunciation of  words . Students were engaged in active listening of these recording and then recording the same words in their own voice for the purpose of comparison.

  • THE CURIOUS CASE OF C’S . During a dialogue on Corons these , kids were made to realise the excess usage of words beginning with the letter “C” i.e. China, continent, country, cases, crisis, Corona, cough etc. Noticing this sequence of alliteration, students were given the task of writing paragraphs with as many words beginning from a letter as possible . Children came up with interesting compositions and poems



The new coinage of words were introduced to students and they were encouraged to use them while completing Writing tasks skills . Students enjoyed playing games like using these new words.



During online reading children read and discussed their  favorites  novels like  “Wuthering Heights” by Emile Bronte, “Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea” by Jules Verne and “The Time Machine” by HG Wells.


With changing times, it is imperative that a school moves beyond the textbooks and becomes a sacramental ground for sensitisation for what is topical, poignant and obligatory. BBPS Dwarka has ventured on a variety of projects encompassing national and international interests.

 Project Water (Class III) Schedule
 Project Animals (Class III)  Schedule
 Project Plants (Class III)   Schedule


As Climate Reality leader the School Principal, Mrs Suruchi Gandhi educated students about the apocalyptical effect of Global Warming on earth’s atmosphere. She motivated students and their parents to reduce their carbon and plastic footprint. She declared the school as ‘No Plastic Zone’. She received a letter of appreciation from the ‘Climate Reality Project’ for the green initiative.


The students of Bal Bharati Public School, Dwarka joined hands with Good Air Movement initiated by Integrated Health and Wellbeing (IHW) Council and CNN News 18. They participated in a nationwide drive to create mass awareness on the significance of clean and healthy air as a part of #Making India Breathe Campaign where they organize rally, Nukkad Natak, Photo Signature Campaign and took a pledge to work for Clean, Healthy Air. Bharat Luthra (IX C) was conferred with the title of 'Young Ambassador of Good Air' by Hon'ble Justice Swatanter Kumar, former chairman of National Green Tribunal in the inaugural edition of Good Air Summit held at JLN stadium. He also shared the dais with prominent representatives of the government and renowned activists and voiced his views on the increasing gravity of air pollution.


President CES Mr L R Channa inaugurated Atal Tinkering Lab of the school and launched Tinkering Fest. The Tinkering Fest showcased the talent and creativity of our young innovators. Around 100 students and teachers of different schools of Delhi visited the fest and appreciated hands-on activities like 3D Printing, Arduino Coding, Electronics, Microsoft: Application Inventor and Scratch.

20 innovative projects made by the students of class VI to X were displayed:

S. NO. Projects
1. Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm
2. Soil Testing kit
3. Tesla Coil
4. Line Follower Robot
5. Blind Stick
6. EV3 Robotic Arm
7. Color Sorter
8. SOS App with Arduino Gadget
9. Touch Piano
10. Auto Mobile Cycle
S. NO. Projects
11. FM Radio (Snap Electronics)
12. LED Matrix
13. Keypad security system
14. 7 Segment Counter
15. Room light intensity checker
16. Weather Station
17. Mood light
18. Portable Charger
19. RFID Door Lock System
20. Sound Effector to change the intensity of light



The Climate Reality crusaders conveyed the message of sustainable development during 24 hours of Climate Reality project.


  • Rishabh Garg and Taksh Rana of class 11th presented the novel idea of Time Bank at the SGT University’s tech-fest Synergy.
  • Students have created a mobile app where they can login time invested in the NGO.
  • They will get extra credit points in SEVA PROJECT for Health & P.Ed subject introduced by CBSE.


47 students took a cleanliness pledge with Vice president Mr. M. Venkaiah Naidu and other dignitaries included Mr. K. G. Balakrishnan (Former Chief Justice Of India); Famous Bollywood Personalities Subhash Ghai, Pahlaj Nihalyani and Govinda.


Sunshine Brigade comprises of peer educators who discuss sensitive issues with students such as Child Abuse, Safety & Security, Code of Conduct and Generate positive opinion and action to curb social menace.


Raise Your Voices campaign has been launched in school to encourage students to talk about any interpersonal or academic issue concerning them. They are encouraged to approach Student Council, Counsellor, VP/HM or any teacher for a patient hearing and resolution.


The students of Class X and XII led the Sewa Project in their mission of keeping the city clean. They led by personal example and motivated people from all walks of life.


School team participated in UN Project on “Women Transforming India” which involved exploring role of women as change agents in the society.

  • Vikramaditya Jha of X-A interviewed Dr Padma Jha: Author; Entrepreneur; Academician; and Distinguished Doyen in the Field of Pedagogy.
  • Sarvasva Barara of IX-A interviewed Mrs. Anubhuti Mewara, partner at SPDA


MASP(Microsoft Aspire School Program)

  • Upgradation of operating system to windows 10 in 20 computers.
  • Installation of office 365 in 56 computer systems.
  • Four Microsoft Orientation and certification workshops for  teachers
  • 2500 Office 365 login ID creation for teachers and students.

Holiday Card Exchange Project

The school collaborated with its overseas counterparts in Ukraine, Slovenia, Taiwan, Belarus and USA through the web portal Students exchanged greeting cards in their native
language and made new friends.

World Disaster & Safety Maps Project

The school collaborated with 17 schools across the globe for Natural Disaster Youth Summit in Japan. The safety maps and disaster preparedness techniques shared by the school were highly appreciated. Students researched about the natural disasters in different parts of the world and created Disaster Atlas, Safety Maps, Comfort Cards and Emergency Kits.

International Curricular Exchange

Students participated in Energy Conservation projects, newsletter exchange and story relay through video conferencing and projects like ‘Teddy Travels’, ‘Flat Stanley Speaks’ with peers across the globe.

Culture Exchange Projects

The school harnessed e-languages website for students to know more about diverse cultures. They collaborated with schools in Taiwan, USA, Belarus, Ukraine and Pakistan. Students celebrated different cultures through class presentations and exchange of letters and PPTs. A slew of video conferences provided interaction opportunities with peers across the globe to delve deep on each others’ faith, culture and beliefs.

Project ANKUR – Environment Conservation Award 

School Principal and Nature Club Incharge were honoured by Hero Moto Corp for their contribution towards conservation of environment under Project Ankur. The award was bestowed by Mr. Marcel Ekka, Additional Director, DoE, Govt. of Delhi and Mr. Vijay Sethi, CIO and Head CSR, Hero MotoCorp during a special felicitation ceremony.

The project aimed to prepare young children to become the guardians of the environment by involving them in green drives, establishment of seed banks and workshops in the schools. BBPS, Dwarka was recognized among the top 100 environmentally active schools from Delhi, NCR for planting more than 10,000 fruit plants in the city.

Education about Sustainability

Interdisciplinary projects involving multiple intelligence educate pupils about sustainability issues. Students have been engaged in projects like ‘Conserve Preserve Reserve’ ‘Save our Tigers’, ‘Energy Efficient Cities’, ‘Walk for Water’, ‘Anti Plastic Rally’ and ‘Green drive’.